
Dungeons we introduced a new dungeon called Bones Dungeon where you will fight Prince Skeletal This dungeon is quite easy to do and requires up a team of 2 players of level 150 minimum to enter on the dungeon. The dungeon can be started on Temple of Thais.

Slowly will come more dungeons and access from various citys.

On Dungeons you will find monsters with levels, but also bosses. Monsters and bosses, have better experience, loot, damage and life depending the level. Also a skull will identify the level of the creature.
This picture is an example.
Dungeons Availables:
Dungeon Party Level Required Time Cooldown Monsters Monster Level Boss Boss Level Rewards
Bones 2 150 60 minuts 1 Hour Bone Archer, Bone Berserker, Bone Mage, Bone Scarvenger, Bone Ruthless, Bone Warrior, Bone Knight, Bone Master, Bone Master 1-50 Prince Skeletal 1-10 Skeletal Set
Master of Elements 2 200 60 minuts 1 Hour Bulltauren Alchemist, Bulltauren Brute, Bulltauren Forgepriest, Mega Dragon, Mitmah Vanguard, Tauren Herk, Tornado, Wardragon. None Master of the Elements 1-10 Star Extractor, Star Inlay Stones that can be used on new sets bought on Taerar inside Azure Portal with Azure Coins.